Hot New Shifter Romance Releases Today!

  A Song to Remember, my hot new shifter romance set in the Crescent City Wolf Pack world, releases today! This novella is part of the Mystifying Music Multi-Author Series, and it features Bekah from the CCWP as she navigates...Read More

Release Day – Beneath a Blue Moon – Crescent City Wolf Pack Book Two

I'm excited to announce that Beneath a Blue Moon is now available! This is Book Two of my new Crescent City Wolf Pack Series, and it follows Chase, the pack's sexy second in command as he overcomes his sordid past...Read More
Werewolves Only book and iPhone

Sneak Peek of Werewolves Only, Chapter One

Werewolves Only releases August 21st, but I'm just so darn excited for you to read this story that I'm giving you a sneak peek at the first chapter right now! Without any further babbling on my part, meet Luke and...Read More

Cover Reveal – Beneath a Blue Moon: Crescent City Wolf Pack Book 2

It's time for another cover reveal! The second book in the Crescent City Wolf Pack series releases September 18th. Beneath a Blue Moon follows the pack's sexy second-in-command as he battles his inner demons--and some real monsters--to find love where...Read More
wolf howling

10 Werewolf and Shifter Paranormal Romance Novels Worth Checking Out

[siteorigin_widget class="SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget] UPDATE: Werewolves Only is now available, so there are 11 books on this awesome list! My new werewolf romance series, the Crescent City Wolf Pack, is releasing in August, starting with the first full-length novel, Werewolves Only. I...Read More