Have you ever thought about what supernatural power you wish you had?
As paranormal romance authors, we spend a lot of time thinking and writing about all sorts of powers and abilities.
Like, probably more than we’d like to admit.
So, just for kicks, we thought we’d share which paranormal abilities we’d love to have!
Question: If you could have the abilities of any paranormal creature (vampire, werewolf, witch, dragon, etc.), what would you choose and why?
So, as much as I love vampires, I’d have to go with having magic on this one.
I think I’d be a very boring witch, though. I’d be using my powers to do everyday tasks. Dishes? Done. Laundry? Handled. Forgot to grab milk at the grocery store? No worries! It’s in the fridge.
Thankfully, the characters in my stories are much more adventurous than I am!
Submitted by L. Danvers, Author of Blood Heirs
I love werewolves but I think I’d have to be a witch. I have a fairly sassy personality so I think it’d be great fun to tease people with my powers. And if I can get the mop to clean the house without me, all the better!
Submitted by Selena Blake, Author of Ready & Willing
My favorite shifters are wolves, but I would love to have psychic abilities. Telekinesis, clairvoyance, astral projection, energy manipulation, any or all of those.
Submitted by Erin St. Charles, Author of Close Enough to Love
I love my PNR characters. I write about shifters (cat-shifters and wolf-shifters) and vampires. But if I could chose to be anything, I would probably pick witch. I am a huge fan of Charmed (the original), and even though Paige was half whitelighter, I wish I could orb. Oh, the time I would save. Plus, telekinesis would be awesome too.
Submitted by R.L. Kenderson, Author of Forbidden Blood (Forbidden #1)
I’d choose to be a dragon because they can fly, have pretty scaled armor, breathe fire and hoard books. (Dragons don’t really need gold or gems…they are lumpy and cold to sleep on.)
Submitted by Beth Caudill, Paranormal Romance Author
Okay, I would love to be a powerful witch who can cast spells. I would love to be able to do things like move things without touching them, teleport or even fly.
Submitted by Alicia Montgomery, Author of The Last Blackstone Dragon
I’d choose to be one of the vampires in my world. Mortal beings with long lives (think of all the history they get to witness) and the ability to travel miles in seconds via the space between dimensions. Who needs sunlight?
Submitted by Miranda Jameson, Author of Berlin Nocturne
I would love to be something that could fly. I can’t really picture myself as a dragon, but maybe some kind of falcon or hawk shifter would be cool! Having other powers is tempting, too–like the longevity of vampires, and the magical powers of witches. Maybe I could be one of those hybrid species that gets the best of everything. ?
Submitted by Liza Street, Author of Fierce Heartbreaker
Dragons have shapeshifting powers and magic depending on the world. Otherwise, a vampire with a daylight ring or amulet.
Submitted by Vivian Lane, Paranormal Romance Author
The ninjas in my series have nature based magic. One of them is a shapeshifter, who can shift into a creature she has had contact with. I think that’s the kind of power I’d like to have–but I think it would lead to some devious, different sort of thinking! ?
Submitted by D.M. Marlowe, Paranormal Romance Author