Hearts Unleashed Author Interview – Cecilia Lane

Featured Moon Claimed by Cecilia Lane

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Welcome, Cecilia! Please start off by telling us a little about yourself.

I'm Cecilia! I love coffee, cookies, memes, and dirty jokes. I love to travel and explore new places. Most weekends see me and Mr. Lane chilling and watching whatever soccer games we can get on TV or taking an early morning stroll through some pretty parks. Writing has always been my dream job and I'm incredibly grateful to bring all the stories in my head to life on paper.

What genres do you write?

Paranormal romance! Shifters, vampires, fae, I love all the strange and unusual =D

How many books have you published?

30+, with 20 of those in my Shifting Destinies world.

What can a reader expect when picking up one of your books for the first time?

Action! I love, love, love a big battle moment where everything seems lost, but WAIT! Here comes that happy ending riding in with the rest of the cavalry. My characters might go through hell, face down their biggest fears and insecurities, hiss and spit and cuss at everyone under the sun, but they always get where they need to be in the end and WITH the people they need.

Please share your setting for Moon Claimed? Have you ever lived or visited there? If so, what did you like most?

Abel meets Dakota in Yellowstone National Park, but their story takes them on the road to his pack lands in California. I spent a lot of time cruising through Google Maps and checking out photos. I've yet to be there in real life, but it's on my bucket list.

How do you research or prepare?

As with any book, I read. You know that MCU meme where Tony Stark is asked when he became an expert on thermonuclear astrophysics and he gets cocky and answers, 'last night'? Yeah, that's my obsessive need to get job details correct even if they never get used.


For Dakota, I read a lot about park rangers. Living quarters, uniforms, slang, schooling needed. Some of the details will make it into the book with concrete lines, others will be unspoken foundation and guidance for character actions. And others will take up space once used for important information like those annoying security questions, oops!

When did the writing bug first bite?

Elementary school. I have vague recollections of writing little stories about unicorns. Fanfiction in middle school grew into working on horrible first attempts at original stuff in high school. It's just something I've always loved.

Who are your favorite authors/books/series?

Anne Rice, Anne McCaffrey, and Robert Jordan will always hold special places in my heart.

What is your most favorite childhood memory?

It's more a collection of memories of exploring with my grandparents. I spent most summers with them, and the adventures would start with driving halfway across the country to their home. We'd take a week and stop by roadside attractions or make a detour to a waterpark.


One summer we visited the ruins at Chaco Canyon. Another, we stopped by Roswell and did a tour of Carlsbad Caverns and stuck around to see the bats emerge for the night. They placed a great deal of importance on knowing there's an endless amount of things to see and do in this world, and I try to live up to that as much as possible.

Do you have any hobbies or special things you like to do in your spare time?

I do what a lot of other writers do: read! When not reading or binging a show, I tend to get lost in builder video games, be it a city builder or some sort of dynasty builder. I've been switching back and forth between Cities Skylines and Crusader Kings 3 for the last few months.

Boxers, briefs, or commando?

Commando ;P

Favorite eye color?

I'm a sucker for green eyes of all shades.

Do you have a set writing schedule or do you just go with the flow of life and write when you can?

I treat my writing like a job. I need a consistent schedule, or I'll never get anything done. Monday through Friday, I'm in my office with a word doc open. I might not get as much done as I'd like, but I make sure to show up.

Describe your perfect alpha hero.

Tall, dark, and mouthy!


Thanks, Cecilia! Get more paranormal themed stories like Moon Claimed in Hearts Unleashed, a Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection of 20+ NEW heart-pounding supernatural fiction featuring sensual heroes and sassy heroines.


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